For you.

Does the giving experience have to suck?

It should be easy to find effective, deserving charities aligned with your values and interests.

You shouldn't be added to gajillions of mailing lists and constantly bombarded by guilt-drenched emails.

You should be able to manage, track and pay for your all your charitable giving as easily as your Netflix account.

And maybe…just maybe…giving could even be a little fun?

Help. Hard.

The gyvr app makes giving easy.

Quickly divide your monthly giving between popular categories and our machine learning algorithm will pick the most effective, deserving charities from over a million options. Or if there's a specific charity you know you want to support, you can do that, too. Or you mix and match both. It's easy, and you can adjust your giving at any time.

The gyvr app protects your privacy.

Because we distribute your giving for you, and fiercely protects your privacy, you won't end-up on annoying mailing lists.

The gyvr app gets more of your money where it matters.

Most payment processors that target charities are actually for-profit organizations. Because we aggregate many smaller payments into one big payment, less of your giving goes to credit card transaction fees. Learn all the ways we maximize the value of your giving.